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Endor-PvP - Opening on December 21st at 20:00 Moscow time


  1. Server description x50,000   (127 visits to this link)

  2. [Competition] Giveaway in Telegram   (67 visits to this link)

    • Get Donate Coin for participating!
  3. [Bonnus] - Moving Clans   (125 visits to this link)

    • Join us as a clan and get a bonus
  4. [Promotion] Top Clans - 30 thousand!   (43 visits to this link)

    • "Top 3 Best Clans" with prizes up to 30,000 Donat Coins
  5. [Promotion] - Discount on Donation up to 25%   (24 visits to this link)

    • 15% discount for everyone on Donation before the start
    • Discount if you join a clan 10%
  • Create New...